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DryckesvisorWhat if I had a little liqueur

What if I had a little liqueur

Snapsvisan är en omskrivning av melodin Tänk om jag hade lilla nubben
text av: Henrik Hedlund
källa: Traditionell i brittisk skepnad
What if I had a little string there
within my deep throat, with liqueur!
What if I had a little string there
within my deep throat, with liqueur!
I drag the liqueur down the string
and up we go then with everything
What if I had a little string there
within my deep throat, with liqueur!

What if I wrap my little thin throat
around a bottle of liqueur!
What if I wrap my little thin throat
around a bottle of liqueur!
I put the bottle up and down
to be the most drunken chap in town
What if I wrap my little thin throat
around a bottle of liqueur!

What if I had a little bottle
containing straws filled with liqueur!
What if I had a little bottle
containing straws filled with liqueur!
I wanna place my mouth on top
and call it straw rum and suck it up
What if I had a little bottle
containing straws filled with liqueur!

Om snapsvisan
Snapsvisor, Utländska visor
Visad totalt
15 277 gånger
Inskickad av
Henrik Hedlund